Monday, April 14, 2014


The first rule of Fight Club...
"Don't talk about Fight Club."  That's the second rule, too.

If you work at some company like Monsanto, or the government, or any part of the 1%'s infrastructure, the best thing you can do is keep your mouth shut at work.

But keep your eyes open.

You don't have to be Edward Snowden or Julian Assaunge.  In fact, in many ways whistle-blowing action is better on the downlow.

Be the unseen leak.

Find your "25".  25 people (or as many as you can) that you know and trust, that you can count on to keep their source and connection with you secret.

Meet in the park with your cell phone off and in the car while you walk and talk.  Find out as much as you can about the company that you work for and what they are doing and tell your fellow Occupiers.

Let those of us out in the open do our work.

We don't need violence.  We have more strength than they do.

Can you imagine if there was a city-wide, or nation-wide strike, even for one day?  No one goes to work, no one buys anything, no one watches television or goes on the internet?

Can you imagine how badly the rich and powerful would fare without their maids and bus boys and factory workers? If we the people stopped the wheels of production for one day?

If we all met in the park and exchanged their secrets?

If even 3.5% of the population went on strike this country would shut down.

The NSA, the cops, the data-metrics counters, social media-- all of them are watching us, but they can't watch all of us, all the time.

And we can watch them.

Easily.  Without any inconvenience on our part.

You know where the weakest links are in the part of the machinery you occupy.  Start sharing that information.

This world should not be a "for profit" endeavor of a few people.  EVERYONE has the right to decent work for decent pay, housing and shelter, food, medical care, clean water and air.

This is your life, and its ending one minute at a time:


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