Tuesday, September 2, 2014


If you are fan of the movie or graphic novel "V For Vendetta" (or you are in the British Commonwealth) you are probably familiar with the nursery rhyme about Guy Fawkes:

"Remember, remember the Fifth of November..."

Of course, OPTINSTL, and the "Hacktivist" group Anonymous, and protestors worldwide have adopted the Guy Fawkes mask worn by V as their own.

The March Against Corruption, planned for this November 1-8, is specifically about getting money (big money) out of politics.  I daresay if we accomplished that we could regain control of our government (and agencies like Metro and Bi-State) without blowing up any buildings.


On November 5th, there is "Million Mask March" planned, a call for one million people to flood the streets wearing a Guy Fawkes mask.
WHO WE ARE The March Against Corruption is an international campaign to raise awareness about the corrupting influence of money and special interests in governance and public policy making; to provide a forum for people, to organize and speak out against corruption; and to educate the public about the consequences of corruption. “The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws.” ― Tacitus...

Read more at: marchagainstcorruption.com/
WHO WE ARE The March Against Corruption is an international campaign to raise awareness about the corrupting influence of money and special interests in governance and public policy making; to provide a forum for people, to organize and speak out against corruption; and to educate the public about the consequences of corruption. “The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws.” ― Tacitus...

Read more at: marchagainstcorruption.com/
WHO WE ARE The March Against Corruption is an international campaign to raise awareness about the corrupting influence of money and special interests in governance and public policy making; to provide a forum for people, to organize and speak out against corruption; and to educate the public about the consequences of corruption. “The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws.” ― Tacitus...

Read more at: marchagainstcorruption.com/


OPTINSTL would like to suggest going one (or a few) steps further.  The 5th will be the day AFTER the elections, a day when basically no work gets done in the offices of elected officials (whether lame ducks or winners).

The OPTINSTL "Jam Metro's Phone Lines" leaflet, updated for the November 5th revolution:

Whether you take to the streets or not DON'T RIDE METRO.  DON'T GO TO WORK OR SCHOOL.  DON'T BUY ANYTHING.  Spend the day "blowing up the phone lines" (or jamming the email and comments servers) of every elected official, every "corruption corporation" and signing as many petitions as you can, on every issue important to you.

Feel free to target locals like Rex Sinquefield,  (hedge fund investors are some of the worst economic predators in our world), or work on preventing anymore "Koch being shoved down our throats."


Our country-- our world!-- has been completely hijacked by a few greedy individuals, but the worst part is WE LET THEM DO IT!

They need our labor.  They need us as consumers.  They need our votes.  They need us to not disrupt their "business as usual."

Without violence, without doing anything illegal, we can take back our power by withholding our time and our money, and by joining the "Armchair Revolution." 

Start with elected officials.  Yes, get out and vote, and then call them, write them, give them your feedback and suggestions, make demands and inquiries, monitor what they are doing.  Demand that people's petitions become their primary source of legislative action.

There are more of us than there are of them.  Without us, the wealthy have no workers, no products, and no consumers.  One day of a nationwide strike and boycott would display that much more than any protest in the streets.  Think of it-- the police would have no tickets to write, the courts would hear no cases (get a continuance as soon as you can if the 5th is a court day for you), the businesses would have no profits.
Yes, yes, a nationwide total strike is unrealistic, but even 3.5% of us withdrawing from "business as usual" would be very threatening.

And if we demand that politicians work for us instead of the wealthy, that public policy protect us instead of shareholder profits and corporate interests, then until they are able to make this country a corporate dictatorship (which is looming ever closer), they will have to make changes, beginning with answering the calls of their constituents.... And this might be a good time to remind them that their constituents are NOT just the people that voted for them!  They work for all of us, and we pay for them whether we vote or not.

Remember, this Fifth of November, that "Ideas are bulletproof."



November 5, 2014, the day everything changed.

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